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04 December

Anusha K J </br>Department of Zoology

Department Profile Profile Departmental Achievements VisionTo provide quality education to enhance scientific temperament and highlight the importance of Science in all the fields of human activity and also to explore …

04 December

Anitha CN </br>Department of Botony

Department Profile Profile Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. Department Faculties INDUSHREE.R Assistant Professor Anitha C N Assistant Professor

04 December

Dr. Manjunatha</br>Department of Mathematics

Department Profile Profile The department of mathematics was established in the year 1966, B.Sc., courses started in 1982 and M.Sc. courses started in 2012. During that time there were four faculty …

04 December

Lavanya </br>Department of Chemistry

Department Profile Profile Teaching , Learning & Evaluation The Department of Chemistry was established in 1966 with the intention of providing science education to needy students from the rural background …

04 December

Mahalakshmi</br>Department of Physics

Department Profile Profile The present Physics department was originally started for the engineering college and with the moving out of engineering, the management was far sighted in starting the pre …

04 December

Santosh Kumar </br>Department of English

Department Profile Profile VisionHumanity is synonymous to compassion sympathy and tolerance and has significant historical elements. To probe experience and understand this in the fields of learning like literature, philosophy, …